Come join the fun! Zumba (pronounced zoom-bah) is a super-fun, latin-inspired, cardio, interval-training fitness program designed for anyone: any gender, any age, any fitness level…No dance experience required. Feel free to invite your spouse, friends and neighbours – anyone that could use some fun fitness in their lives or would like to support this charity program. Continue reading “Zumba at GCPC”
Category: News
Dance Lessons – Saturday, Sep. 22
Ever wanted to learn to ballroom dance? Now’s your chance! Dancers extraordinaire Trevor and Dawn are offering 1-hour classes on three different types of dance. No dancing experience required–just plan to have fun! Click here for more details. Continue reading “Dance Lessons – Saturday, Sep. 22”
Vacation Bible Camp – July 9-13
Guildwood Church’s Vacation Bible Camp this year is Operation Overboard! We’re diving in! Camp dates are July 9 – 13, 9AM-12 noon. The program is designed for elementary school aged children, and will include daily skits, singing, Bible stories, crafts, recreation, and snack. For more information, or to register, call the church office at 416-261-4037, or send an email to Mary-Ann. Here’s a link to the resource we’ll be using.
Electronic Waste Drop-Off – June 2
We’re trying to help keep Guildwood (and the rest of the earth!) clean. If you have any electronic waste you need to dispose of, drop it off at Guildwood Community Presbyterian Church on June 2, 8AM-1PM. Click here to see the list of items you can bring. Continue reading “Electronic Waste Drop-Off – June 2”
Over Our Heads – Fundraiser 2012
On January 29 we launch our fundraiser project for 2012. We hope to raise $40,000 to do two things: (1) pay for the work done on our roof, and (2) erect roofs on three churches in Malawi. Fundraising ideas will come from YOU! Read more here. Continue reading “Over Our Heads – Fundraiser 2012”
Basket Auction & Chili Dinner – April 14
This is a fun event for the entire family. A chili dinner with “all the fixin’s” will be served at 5:30 PM (adults $7, children $3, families $20) accompanied by a basket auction and an activity for the children. The proceeds will go towards roofs for three churches in Malawi, as well as paying down the debt for our own church roof. Continue reading “Basket Auction & Chili Dinner – April 14”
Karaoke Night! – March 17
Kool Karaoke Party – March 17th 7:30-11:00 PM – The fun Karaoke evening is almost here! Bring your friends, neighbours and possibly earplugs. This is a pay what you can fundraiser, with all proceeds going to “Raise the Roofs”. A concession stand will be available for light refreshments and snacks. Dress as your favourite singer for added fun. Prizes in multiple categories – see you on the 17th! Click here for the poster: Continue reading “Karaoke Night! – March 17”
Book Study – March 21
Do you have any questions about Presbyterianism? What Presbyterians believe? Why we worship the way we do? Why we’re so involved in justice and mission? What’s important to us? Beginning March 21, a 7-week book study begins at GCPC: “Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers.” Read more here. Continue reading “Book Study – March 21”
Whole Meal Deal
Once again, we’re holding a post-Christmas food bank drive. This year we are asking for food items which will make up a “whole meal”, such as canned meat and fish, pasta & sauce, rice, canned vegetables and canned fruit. The challenge concludes at the Scout-Guide Week Service on Sunday, February 19th. Ask your family, friends, neighbours, and co-workers to join in the challenge. Our goal is to collect 2012 items. Final TOTAL: 1400 items
Women’s Day Apart – October 22
Paths of Prayer — Saturday, October 22 from 9:00 to 4:00. Join us for a day of discovery, reflection, direction, fun, food and fellowship. Laura Alary will be speaker with music by Deanna Spohn-McDermott. The cost will be $25. Contact the church for more information.