“Behind the Scenes” Variety Show – You will not want to miss this fun and light hearted look at the “behind the scenes” work of our church’s committees and groups. Saturday April 24, 2010 at the church. Meet and greet over refreshments at 7 pm. Showtime is 7:30 pm.
Anniversary Sunday Worship Service – Sunday April 25 11:00 am. This promises to be a joyous celebration of our church’s past, present and future. The service will be lead by The Rev. Hugh Donnelly. A special reunion choir comprised of past junior and senior choir members will be performing.
Anniversary Luncheon – Following the April 25 service, the celebration will continue at the Anniversary luncheon at Qssis Banquet Hall, 3474 Kingston Road. Tickets are $25 per person/$15 for children under 12 years of age and can be purchased by e mailing [email protected] or calling Sue Harris at 905-839-8949. Tickets may also be purchased at the Box Office by April 18. The menu is posted on the bulletin board in the church hall. Please advise us if you prefer a vegetarian meal or if you need a ride or can provide a ride.