Special Tidbits for Ash Wednesday 2021

Lent:  Noun. Middle English lente springtime, Lent, from Old English lencten; akin to Old High German lenzin spring

From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Blessings for Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Christian season of Lent.  If Lent is here can spring be far behind?  And spring means warmer weather and green grass and gardens.  Even those of us with grey thumbs can appreciate spending time in a garden. And we are invited to do just that.

This year for Lent you will be sent a link with Tidbits every week.  If you click on it, it will take you to the Lent Garden, an interactive garden.  The first link is under the picture below.  Click on the link.  It will take you to a garden for the days from today, Ash Wednesday, to this Saturday.  Now click on the book on the garden bench.  You will find the scripture readings for today and the next three days.  And then you can click on the Little Free Library, or the gnome or the door and see what pops up.  I wonder what the guitar will lead us to?  Or the picnic basket? Or the hanging flower basket?  You may recognize some of the people making the presentations in some weeks.  Enjoy your time in the Lent Garden.

The Lent Garden for Ash Wednesday 2021. Click to begin your visit.

A version of this message first appeared in the Wednesday, February 17, 2021, edition of Tidbits.