You are most welcome to attend the events and services at GCPC during Holy Week! Read on for a complete list of services.
April 14 – 11 AM Palm Sunday Worship. We join with those who, so long ago, waved palm branches and welcomed Jesus into their midst.
April 18 – 6:30 PM Maundy Thursday meal & worship. Join us at 6:30 PM for a light no-cost supper. Then, at 7:30 PM, we gather in the sanctuary for communion and tenebrae. Tenebrae is the Latin word for shadows: we remember the Passion of Jesus, and extinguish candles as the death of the Light of the World draws near.
April 19 – 10:00 AM Good Friday worship. We enter into the pain of Good Friday through a visual stations of the cross, using artwork, scripture readings, prayer and reflections on the cross.
April 21 – Easter Sunday Sunrise Service. We gather (weather permitting!) at the top of the bluffs on the Guild Inn property to enjoy the sunrise on Easter morning at 6:15 AM. Then, at 11 AM in the sanctuary, we continue our celebration of the resurrection.