Introducing… Compassion Camp!

At this time of year we are usually getting ready for our annual Vacation Bible Camp. But this year has been anything but usual. These past few months have been stressful for everyone, including our children, who have been dealing with a lot of change and disappointment over missed experiences—including VBC.

In this strange and uncertain time, GCPC is offering an alternative to our traditional VBC—a digital and downloadable package of resources from Illustrated Ministry designed to help you create a simple and fun VBC experience at home!

The Family Pack includes:

  • five bible stories with short reflections;
  • scripts for a brief gathering and closing times;
  • discussion starters;
  • ideas for simple activities and crafts using common office and art supplies you may already have at home;
  • printable art pages;
  • lyrics and chords for songs.

You have control over your own schedule, and can decide which activities you want to do, in your way, at your own pace.

Compassion Camp has inclusive language and theology, and is appropriate for children from kindergarten through grade five.

There is no cost for the resource. This is our gift to you.

All you need to do is let us know if you would like to receive the materials. Please contact the office and ask to be added to the mailing list. The materials should be available around the beginning of June.

This announcement from Christian Education Coordinator Laura Alary first appeared in the Tidbits of May 29, 2020.