PAR Program

954838_65403836.gif Guildwood is on PAR. The Pre Authorized Remittance (PAR) program offers a convenient way for people to contribute financially to Christ’s ministry through the church.

How Does it Work?

At the time you enroll, you decide what your monthly offering will be. Your account will be automatically debited (once per month) to support the ministries and programs of Guildwood Church. You may change the amount of your offering at any point.

Your Advantages

* regular support of Guildwood Church in the amount that you choose
* continual support of Guildwood Church when you are away
* avoidance of “catch-up” periods

Benefits for the Congregation

* regular, dependable flow of contributions
* enables the finance committee to plan more effectively
* reduction of paper work and bookkeeping

What Happens at Regular Sunday Offering Time?

The offering time is an important part of the worship service. It is a statement of our faith and a time when we acknowledge God’s great generosity to us. Everyone who participates in PAR will still receive a box of envelopes. Participants may simply write PAR on the front of their envelope place it on the offering plate.

How Do I Start?

Send an email to Hugh, and he will forward an application form to you. You can fill this form out and give it Jon, our treasurer, or leave it with Lisa at the church office.