Rev. Moon’s Message for December 11, 2022

Dear Friends,

According to Joan Chittister, there are two different kinds of peace. One kind of peace is a life free from chaos, turbulence, violence, and troubles. Unfortunately, that kind of peace is too often achieved by force by silencing those who disagree. There is another kind of peace. This kind of peace does not come either from the denial of evil or the acceptance of oppression. This kind of peace comes from the center of us and flows through us. This kind of peace is the peace of those who know truth and proclaim it, recognize oppression, and refuse to accept it, and understand God’s will for the world and pursue it.

“Sketch for Peace Descends to Earth” (1852) by French painter Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863); from the collection of the Petit Palais, Paris; taken from the Wikimedia Commons.

Whatever situation we are in, may we remember the gift of peace Jesus has placed in our human hearts.

May all that I am today, all that I try to do today, may all my encounters, reflections, even the frustrations, and failings, may all these things be placed in your hands. Lord, my life is in your hands. Please, let this day give you peace.

Unknown author

– Rev. Chuck Moon

A version of this message appeared in the Friday, December 9, 2022 version of Tidbits.