Rev. Moon’s message for February 6, 2022

Dear friends,

Blaise Pascal said, “In difficult times, you should always carry something beautiful in your mind.” I agree that what we carry in our minds, hearts, and spirits matter and make a powerful difference in our life.

As a beautiful sunny morning can spark our soul, a caring phone call can help us go on. As beautiful music can create serenity in our human hearts, our kind and gentle human words can shine the light of Christ on each other.

“View from McQueen Pass towards Lyttelton Harbour, Canterbury, New Zealand”. Michal Klajban. CC BY-SA 4.0 International. Full photo credit below.

This week, I received emails and phone calls sharing their reflections on the service and their kind encouragement. They were short, yet powerful. I found myself being strengthened and uplifted by their loving words. I am so grateful to be surrounded by so many caring and compassionate people. I think I just need to do a better job of keeping such kind and gentle words in my heart a bit longer!

(The guide question for this week’s virtual coffee hour: “Have you witnessed something beautiful this week? What were they?”)

Rev. Chuck Moon

Photo credit: “View from McQueen Pass towards Lyttelton Harbour, Canterbury, New Zealand”. Attribution: Michal Klajban. License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0 International). Taken from the Wikimedia Commons.

A version of this message first appeared in the Saturday, February 5, 2022, edition of Tidbits.