Rev. Moon’s Message for January 15, 2023

Dear friends,

Our monthly virtual book study group meets this Sunday, January 15, at 1 PM (and every third Sunday of the month) to discuss the work of Francis De Sales’ “On True Devotion”. We will think about the place of devotion in our spirituality. Francis De Sales expresses devotion this way, “Ostriches never fly; hens fly in a clumsy fashion, near the ground and only once in a while, but eagles, doves, and swallows fly aloft, swiftly and frequently…Devout souls ascend to God more frequently, promptly, and with lofty heights.” “Look at the bees amid the banks of thyme. They find there a very bitter juice, but when they suck it out, they change it into honey because they have the ability to do so.” Francis De Sales sees devotion as something uplifting our spirit and transforming our bitterness into something sweet.

“St. Francis De Sales” (1665) by Italian painter Giovanni Battista Lucini (1639–1686); from the collection of the Chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore, Crema, Italy; taken from the Wikimedia Commons.

I would like to think that devotion is not about being busy but about fulfilling and being passionate. I also believe that devotion should be more than just our external actions but listening in our hearts. We would like to hear your thoughts. What do you think devotion is, and when did you experience the transformation of bitterness into sweetness in your spiritual journey? What spoke to you? What did you find challenging?

On Sunday, join us on Zoom!

—Rev. Chuck Moon

A version of this message appeared in the Friday, January 13, 2023 version of Tidbits.