Rev. Moon’s Message for January 21, 2024

“Mending the Nets” (1881) by American painter Winslow Homer (1836–1910); from the collection of the National Gallery of Art, Washington; taken from the Wikimedia Commons.

Dear Friends,

Sunday School Program Coordinator

We are looking for a Sunday School Program Coordinator. This is a volunteer, non-teaching position to help organize our Sunday School teachers and will require on average 2–3 hours per week.

The main responsibilities are to:

  • Select and purchase curriculum in consultation with the Minister and the Nurture and Education Committee;
  • Schedule teachers and helpers for each Sunday from the 2nd Sunday in September to the 2nd Sunday in June;
  • Distribute curriculum and other materials to teachers for their Sundays.

It is a volunteer position, but a small bursary may be available for high school or post-secondary students. If you are interested in the position, please contact Rev. Helen Smith and/or Rev. Chuck Moon.

Virtual Book Study – Sunday, January 21 at 1 PM

We invite you to join our virtual book study gathering on Sunday, January 21 at 1 PM, and every third Sunday of the month. A warm welcome awaits those who are eager to participate in insightful discussions. This month, our focus is on Evelyn Underhill’s The Essentials of Mysticism. We look forward to engaging conversations with you. A Zoom link is available in your latest edition of Tidbits.

—Rev. Chuck Moon