Dear Friends,
We are observing the season of Lent during the month of March. May we deepen our awareness of God’s presence in the suffering world and prepare ourselves for the resurrection of Christ. Some highlights during the season of Lent to help us deepen our worship:
- Sunday, March 10, Rev. Helen Smith leads the worship service as Rev. Moon is on study leave from March 5-12 (we apologize that there is no live streaming but there will be a web version of the service).
- Wednesday, March 13 at 10 AM in the lounge, the Caregiver Support group meets.
- Wednesday, March 13 at 7 PM in the church hall, Mind and Heart, the monthly Bible study, starts. The purpose of the gathering is to create a safe space to ask questions about faith and to deepen our understanding of God’s presence in the Bible and in our own lives. The first meeting is an introductory meeting. Each study is expected to last 30–50 minutes.
- Friday, March 15 at 1 PM in the lounge, Read and Pray, the faith and prayer study group resumes. Anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge and experience of contemplative prayer is invited to join.
- Sunday, March 17 at 1 PM on Zoom, Read and Discuss, the virtual monthly book study group meets. If you would like to learn what happens during the meeting, please me or the church office for the link.
- Sunday, March 24, Rev. Bob Smith will lead Palm Sunday worship service, with Rev. Chuck assisting.
- Wednesday, March 27 at 7:30 PM in the sanctuary, Listen and Listen, a quiet and communion service, is held. Please, anyone who wishes to deepen silence and contemplative prayer is invited to join.
- Thursday, March 28, Maundy Thursday (Tenebrae) Service is at 7 PM, with a simple Soup and Rolls dinner at 6 PM (no charge).
- Friday, March 29, Good Friday Service is at 10 AM.
- Sunday, March 31, Sunrise Service starts at 6:45 AM at Guild Inn Park.
- Sunday, March 31, Easter Sunday Service is at 11 AM. The Bells of Guildwood will deepen our celebration. The choir is preparing a Cantata. We also welcome Steven Szeto as a member by celebrating the Profession of Faith. Anyone who wishes to become a member of our church may approach Rev. Chuck Moon or any elder.
Our prayers for each member of our community, as well as everyone in the suffering world, continue. Please expand our prayers by joining us.
—Rev. Chuck Moon
“Sunset in Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, Brazil” by NicolasAlbuquerqueWolf. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Taken from the Wikimedia Commons.
A version of this message appeared in the Friday, March 8, 2024, edition of Tidbits.