Risen Christ, as we remain in silence before you, we let this ardent prayer rise up: may the firing of weapons in the land of Ukraine cease! Welcome into your love those who are dying from violence and war, console the families in mourning, support those who have had to take the road of Exodus. Faced with incomprehensible suffering, we still believe that your words of love and peace will never pass. You gave your life on the cross and you opened a future for us, even beyond death. So we implore you: give us your peace. You are our hope.
from the Taizé Community

Dear friends,
We are heartbroken to witness what is happening in Ukraine.
We mourn and lament. We feel helpless.
So we humbly pray before God. The Spirit of God calls us to pray.
We pray for people in Ukraine and Russia.
We pray for many places in the world that are torn by violence, abuse, and hatred.
We pray for peace and healing in our schools, families, churches, communities, and world.
Rev. Chuck Moon
A version of this message first appeared in the Saturday, March 5, 2022, edition of Tidbits.