Dear Friends,
This Sunday
We are honoured to have the Rev. Dr. Ian Morrison lead the service.
Our virtual book club starts at 1 PM and meets every third Sunday of the month. We invite those who are interested in sharing their thoughts with each other. For the September 17 video conference link, please see your copy of Tidbits or contact the church office. We are currently studying Devotional Classics by Richard Foster. This month, we focus on the chapter on Thomas Merton’s Ways of Meditation. In each meeting, we will be sharing, “What did I like about the chapter? What was my least favourite? Are there any lingering questions from the chapter you are still thinking about?”
Upcoming Events and Gatherings
Wednesday, September 27
Our monthly quiet Prayer and Communion Services resume at 7:30 PM. Currently, our dates are September 27, Oct 25, Nov 29, 2023, Dec 21 (Longest Night Service), Mar 27, Apr 24, May 29, and Jun 26, 2024. Thank you for being an integral part of our community and engaging in these upcoming opportunities.
Sunday, October 1
Communion will be celebrated (as well as the welcoming of a new member).
Since the Women’s Retreat is on the September 24 weekend, Session has decided to move the Congregational Meeting to October 1.
Congregational Meeting: Following Sunday worship, we will hold a congregational meeting to provide a platform for questions and thoughts to be shared regarding the Future Directions Committee Report and recommendations. This session is intended solely for gathering the insights of our congregation. The questions and comments voiced will be directed to both the Session and the Future Directions Committee. Additionally, please anticipate another congregation meeting likely in November.
Sunday, October 15
We will hold our Memorial Service to remember and celebrate our loved ones who died this past year. If you have lost loved ones this past year and/or if you would like us to remember the name of your loved ones in the service, please send the name and a picture to Chuck at [email protected].
Friday, October 20
Our Prayer and Faith Study Group meets at 1 PM. The group is open to anyone who wishes to deepen their understanding of prayer and faith. We will study and pray through Joan Chittister’s The Breath of the Soul; to learn more, please email [email protected].
Thank you for being an integral part of our community and engaging in these upcoming opportunities.
—Rev. Chuck Moon
A version of this message appeared in the Saturday, September 16, 2023 edition of Tidbits.