We recently had the occasion to be down by the church for the first time in quite a while.
How exciting that Bike Share Toronto has established a station on Livingston, right beside the church. This is a great addition to the area near the church building and right in line with caring for creation.
Another addition is the Heart Garden. When you are out and about in the area, keep your eye on the garden on your left as you face the front doors of the church. Maggie Donnelly, as part of her school community service, has taken on this project.
A Heart Garden is planted in memory of children lost to the residential school system, to honour residential school survivors and their families and to support the legacy of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Watch as sage, bee balm and knowledge and understanding grow. [Ed.: Learn more about Heart Gardens.]
We are grateful to Maggie for undertaking this work, and to her helpers, Cindy Similas, Sandra Robertson and Kay Galbraith.
Stay safe. Stay well.
Revs. Bob and Helen Smith
This message first appeared in the July 25, 2020, edition of Tidbits. Last updated July 29, 2020.