Dear Friends,
The angel in the Christmas story spoke of a sign, something to indicate that God had finally acted to send the Messiah, a saviour who is Christ the Lord. “This will be a sign for you, you will find a child, wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.”
What are the signs of Christ’s coming today? His continuing to change the hearts of people to live for him. His moving us to acts of generosity and compassion for those in need. Movements for peace and justice, truth and righteousness. The lifting of the spirits of the downcast, enfolding of the outsiders, feeding of the hungry, giving hope to the despairing.

Particularly this year, we might add the countless people whose selflessness and generosity are helping us all get through the pandemic — long-term care workers, health care workers in many roles, people providing the essential services that provide our needs, those who are reaching out to vulnerable people… the list goes on.
This will be a sign for you, that the spirit of God is moving in the hearts of God’s people and that people are responding to his call to discipleship and service. May we be able to see the signs of Christ’s coming this Christmas. And may we be a part of them — a sign to others that the Christ-child has been born in us, and that we have given him a place to rule in our hearts.
This Tidbits contains a link to our posting of this Sunday’s service to our website. We do plan to offer a Christmas Eve service as well — watch your inbox for a special Christmas Eve Tidbits link.
With wishes for a Christmas filled with joy and hope,
Revs. Bob and Helen Smith
A version of this message first appeared in the Friday, December 18, 2020, edition of Tidbits.