Dear Friends,
It is a time of many different emotions. From the sad, sombre mood of Good Friday, through the patient waiting of Saturday, on to the joy of Sunday morning. During these days, we encourage you to go to this interactive page and click on the links for each day. Our time through the last days of Holy Week is enriched by these aids to reflection. And there are some pleasant surprises. If you click on the book “Read, Wonder, Listen” for Maundy Thursday, Laura Alary is reading the story. And some of you may know Doug Kendall. If you click on “Read, Wonder, Listen” for Good Friday, Doug is reading the story.
It is a time of many different emotions, as Ann Weems puts it in her poem:
The Time for Kneeling
Kneeling in Jerusalem, Ann Weems
The Lamb has been slain.
and the sheep have scattered.
Now is the time for kneeling,
the time for believers
to kneel and call upon his name
to kneel and rise again:
the community of the resurrection.
In Christ,
Revs. Bob and Helen Smith
A version of this message first appeared in the Thursday, April 1, 2021, edition of Tidbits.