Dear Friends,
Summer’s here, and school’s out! Well almost — just two more days.
I enjoyed school a lot. I might have helped that I did pretty well in terms of my marks. But all of it – the challenge of learning, my circle of friends, school sports and activities – were things I loved.
But even for me, I couldn’t wait for the end of June and the beginning of the holidays. Freedom, sleeping in, no homework, fooling around with my friends, travel — it was great. And especially right now, with two whole months stretching out before us, it seemed like heaven.
This has been a tougher year than normal in our schools, and that is true for teachers and administrators as much as for students. My guess is that for all of them, the arrival of summer holidays this year is especially welcome. Responding to COVID-19 seemed particularly tricky for our schools, so my guess is that the sighs of relief and the shouts of rejoicing in all the schoolyards (or living rooms!) will be heard right across the city.
From the days of creation, rest was a part of God’s design, for our enjoyment and renewal. Enjoy your holiday — you deserve it. Especially this year.
In Christ,
Revs. Bob and Helen Smith
Photo by Tevfik Teker. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Taken from the Wikimedia Commons.
A version of this message first appeared in the Saturday, June 26, 2021, edition of Tidbits.