The Village Fair goes virtual for 2020!

Poster announcing GCPC Village Fair 2020
Village Fair Poster Final Version rev00 PNG Snip 2

We’re going virtual this year! Every Monday morning for seven weeks starting this Monday, October 12, 2020, a different selection of items will be offered for sale on our website (for example, awesome crocheted Star Wars figures to add to or start a collection).

Weekly items are sold on a first come, first served basis and are picked up at the church the following Saturday, between 10 AM and 12 PM. We will be accepting exact cash only to limit physical contact. Proceeds support the ongoing charitable work of the church.

It all starts at the main webpage of the Village Fair 2020.

Copy of our poster

You can get your own PDF copy of the event poster on our website. Please share, or print and post!

Have any items?

Saving items for the Village Fair? Contact Sandra Robertson at [email protected]. Note that this year, we cannot accept books, tapes, CDs, children’s toys, or jewellery. We will ask for baking as needed.

A version of this post first appeared in the October 10 edition of Tidbits.