Dear friends,
I would like to share important news with you regarding a significant development within our congregation. After an extensive search and careful consideration, the search committee recommended Brooks Gorst as our new Music Director to the session, and the session has prayerfully blessed the recommendation. Brooks Gorst has accepted the position.
Here is a small sample of the recommendation from the search committee: “Brooks Gorst has demonstrated that he exemplifies the criteria generated by the Music Director Search Committee for the evaluation of candidates. He aligns with the values and mission of GCPC and represents a good overall fit for the church and its members.”
Our sincere thanks to the members of the search committee for their faithful work. We invite you to join us in welcoming and commissioning Brooks Gorst on Sunday, February 25th. We humbly request your prayers for this new beginning for Brooks and the congregation. May we, as a worshipping community, grow together in our faith in Christ and collaborate in service to God. May we help each other to deepen our love for God through the gift of music.
Bruce Morrison
Clerk of Session