Sunday morning worship is central to the life of Guildwood Church. We gather year-round at 11:00 AM for singing, prayers, scripture, theological reflection, coffee and conversation. Several times a year, we worship intergenerationally, with adults and children worshipping together. Sometimes we celebrate the grace of God through the arts: drama, visual arts, and dance.

Communion is celebrated several times through the year, in addition to other appropriate holy days (Advent, Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, World Wide Communion Sunday). It is the practice at Guildwood Church to welcome children to the Lord’s table. We use white bread and rice-cracker (for those with allergies to gluten), and also a choice of wine or grape juice.
Baptism of both adults and infants is celebrated throughout the year. Adults who wish to be baptised must be prepared to make a Profession of Faith. For children—according to Presbyterian practice—at least one parent (or guardian) must be an active member of some branch of the Christian Church. To learn more about baptism, contact the church.
Profession of Faith
Those wishing to join Guildwood Church through profession of faith or certificate of transfer are encouraged to speak with our minister. We encourage you to consider making Guildwood Community Presbyterian Church your church home!